Documents You Need to Start an LLC in Oklahoma

Here are the basic documents you need to generate or obtain when starting a limited liability company in Oklahoma.

Articles of Organization.

This document is generated automatically when you fill out the online application at the Oklahoma Secretary of State’s website. Here’s a link to the page where you can find the application form titled Domestic Limited Liability Company.

To fill out the form, you will first need to provide:

Name of your business (must include LLC, L.L.C. or limited liability company, or limited company);

Confirmation that the name you want to use does not conflict with an existing registered name;

Your business address (must be a physical location, no PO Boxes);

Name and address of your registered agent (must be a place of business in Oklahoma);

Email address where you want to receive correspondence

Your Signature; and

Payment information ($100 application fee).

In my experience, the average turn-around time for a result is less than one business day.

As of this writing, the Oklahoma Secretary of State does not charge for rejected applications.

Certificate of Limited Liability Company

Once your application is accepted you will receive a Certificate of Limited Liability Company with your company’s name on it along with the state seal.

These are all the documents you need from the Oklahoma Secretary of State when starting a limited liability company.


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