Collaborative Family Law

Commit to the Process.

You don’t have to see eye-to-eye about everything for collaborative law to be right for your family. In fact, it’s just the opposite.

The collaborative process helps you resolve the conflicts that stand in your way. All you need to start a collaborative case is two parties who commit to reach an agreement.


 Two Essential Commitments in the Collaborative Process



Settle all disputes by building consensus, without going to court. Save time & money, avoid public disclosure of personal facts, and maintain control over the outcome of your case.



Full disclosure of all income, assets, and liabilities. Working from the same set of facts brings about agreements that stand the test of time.

Collaborative Roadmap


Engage an attorney trained and experienced in collaborative family law.


Acquire the advice of additional collaborative professionals such as accountants, financial advisors, or counselors as needed.


Voluntarily exchange all necessary records and documents.


All parties meet and identify common goals and areas of disagreement. Then we build consensus using proven methods of conflict resolution.

Sign & File.

We draft your final legal documents based on your agreement. Once all parties sign, you formalize your agreement with a one-time court appearance.


If you choose to resolve your family transition through the collaborative process, I will be your advocate every step of way.